Friday, November 3, 2017

Well...This is it...Last email.

Hi everyone!

Well, this will be my last email to all of you. I can´t believe how fast time has flown by! It´s just crazy.

I thought I´d have a lot to say this being my last email, but it turns out I´m having a hard time putting my feelings into words! First off, I would like to thank all of you for the love and support you have given me throughout my mission. I´ve felt your love and prayers, and I couldn´t thank you all enough for that.

Knowing that my mission is coming to a close is rather bittersweet. Clearly I´m thrilled to be able all of my family and friends again, but leaving the second family I´ve made here in Guatemala is rather saddening. I´ll forever cherish the memories I´ve made here, and the joy that I´ve felt as I´ve been an instrument in the hands of the Lord. I´m so very grateful for this opportunity I´ve had, and I wouldn´t trade it for anything else.

I would just like to share my testimony with all of you. Sé que esta iglesia realmente es la iglesia de Jesucristo. Él está a la cabeza de esta iglesia. Sé sin ninguna duda que Él dirige su obra. Lo más maravilloso es que lo hace por medio de seres tan imperfectos como nosotros, pero lo hace. Sé que José Smith fue un profeta de Dios, que El Libro de Mormón es verdadero, y que la misma iglesia que fundó Jesucristo en la antigüedad ha sido restaurada sobre la tierra. Si hay una cosa que sé más que nada, es que Jesucristo VIVE y NOS AMA, y que Él nunca nos dejará solos mientras no dejamos a Él.

Eso lo comparto en el nombre de Jesucristo, amen. :)


-Elder Thomas

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