Monday, May 9, 2016

Christ Paid for every single one of our Mistakes


Happy Mother´s Day to all of the mothers out there! I hope you all had a wonderful day! I also hope all you missionaries enjoyed talking to your families and all you moms enjoyed talking to your missionaries. I know I did! :)

This week was alright! This Tuesday we got to go to the temple again! That was such a great experience. Just being on temple grounds helps me to feel the Spirit so much. I really could feel God´s love for me, which is a better feeling than any other!

This week we´ve been working a lot with the big family we´re teaching! It´s a little tough to find them all home at the same time because there are so many of them, but the majority is progressing very well! They couldn´t go to church on Sunday because they went to visit someone for Mother´s Day, but next week they should for sure be there. We are also having a "Family Week" in the ward this week! Every evening this week we are going to do an activity centered on the family. We´re going to try to bring as many of them to as many of those activities as possible, and I know they´re going to love it! I´m sure we will see some baptisms out of that family very soon. :)

This week was a bit of a tough one for the district. It´s interesting being the companion of a district leader, because I worry just as much about the other companionships in the district and their investigators as I do about those in my own area. But although this week was tough, we´re not going to lose faith and I know we can pick it back up!

I´ve been thinking a lot this week about the Atonement. Lately I´ve been getting really frustrated with myself for all of the many little mistakes that I make every single day. Some days I feel like I just can´t stop making mistakes! But then I realized what a miracle it is that Christ paid for every single one of our mistakes, even the super tiny ones that we make every day! And because of that, we never have to get frustrated for our weaknesses or shortcomings. There´s someone that´s already suffered through the same things we have, and we can always lean on Him when we need to. That´s something we need to always remember!

Thanks for everything friends! I love you all!

-Elder Thomas

PS...Just one thing that happened today that I really wanted to tell you all! So this morning my companion and I were walking to the gym. We were about one hundred yards away from the front door, walking all nice and peacefully, when all of a sudden WE WERE CHARGED BY A WILD COW!!! We have no idea where it came from or why it wanted to kill us, but it was HUGE and it had horns and it just popped out from behind a building and chased us running full sprint all the way to the front door of the gym before giving up it´s pursuit. So I got a nice little warm-up run before starting my workout, as well as a nice near-death experience.

That's all. :)

-Elder Thomas :)

Me and my companion, Elder Cook, at the Guatemala Quetzaltenango temple

Kind of a girly picture but I think it looks cool :)

Guatemala Quetzaltenango Temple

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